Study in Netherlands:

Studying in the Netherlands offers numerous advantages for international students, making it a highly attractive destination:

  • English Proficiency: The Netherlands ranks highly globally in English proficiency among non-English-speaking countries. This ensures that international students can easily integrate into academic and social life without language barriers.
  • High-Quality Education: Dutch universities are renowned for their academic excellence and offer a wide range of programs taught entirely in English. This accessibility allows international students to pursue their academic interests across various disciplines.
  • Diverse and Inclusive Environment: The Netherlands prides itself on being open and tolerant, welcoming students from diverse cultural backgrounds. This creates a rich environment for cultural exchange and personal growth.
  • Innovative Research Opportunities: The country is a hub of innovation, especially in fields like engineering, technology, and environmental studies. International students have the opportunity to engage in cutting-edge research and contribute to groundbreaking discoveries.
  • International Orientation: Dutch society and educational institutions actively promote internationalization through exchange programs, partnerships with global universities, and a diverse student community. This global perspective enriches the educational experience.
  • Affordable Education: Compared to other popular study destinations like the USA and UK, the Netherlands offers relatively affordable tuition fees and living costs, making it financially feasible for many international students.
  • High Quality of Life: The Netherlands boasts an excellent standard of living with top-notch healthcare, safety, and efficient public transport systems. Cities such as Amsterdam and Rotterdam also provide vibrant cultural scenes and a lively nightlife, ensuring a welcoming atmosphere for students.
  • Gateway to Europe: Positioned centrally in Europe, the Netherlands serves as an ideal gateway for exploring other European countries. The Schengen visa facilitates easy travel, internships, and career opportunities across the continent.

In summary, studying in the Netherlands promises not only a high-quality education but also a supportive environment for personal and professional growth. Its rich cultural experiences and global outlook make it a popular choice among international students seeking a rewarding academic journey abroad.

Popular courses in the Netherlands:

  • Engineering and Technology: Courses in fields like Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, and Computer Science are highly sought after. Universities like Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) are renowned for their engineering programs.
  • Business and Management: Programs in Business Administration, Management, International Business, Finance, Marketing, and Entrepreneurship attract a large number of students. Erasmus University Rotterdam is particularly well-known for its business school.
  • Environmental Sciences: Environmental Sciences, Environmental Management, Sustainable Development, Climate Change, and Ecology are popular choices, with institutions like Wageningen University & Research specializing in these areas.
  • Art and Design: Courses in Fine Arts, Graphic Design, Fashion Design, Interior Design, Animation, and Media Studies are favored by students interested in creative fields. The Gerrit Rietveld Academie and the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague are prominent institutions in this domain.
  • Tourism and Hospitality: Programs in Tourism Management, Hospitality Management, Event Management, and Leisure Studies are popular, given the Netherlands' reputation as a tourist destination. Institutions like Tio University of Applied Sciences specialize in hospitality and tourism education.
  • Law and International Studies:  Law programs focusing on International Law, European Law, Human Rights Law, and Public Policy attract students interested in legal and policy-related careers. Leiden University is well-regarded for its law school.
  • Architecture: Architecture, Urban Design, Landscape Architecture, and Urban Planning are popular disciplines, with Dutch universities offering innovative and internationally recognized programs. Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) has a prestigious Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment.

These courses are not only popular due to the quality of education offered by Dutch universities but also because of the country's multicultural environment, high English proficiency, and innovative research opportunities.

Application Intakes

Fall Intake (September/October) January and April
Spring Intake (February/March)Spring Intake (February/March)

It's crucial for international students to plan ahead and check the specific deadlines for the programs they are interested in, as deadlines can differ between universities and even between different programs within the same university.

List of Universities in the Netherlands

  • University of Amsterdam
  • Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)
  • Leiden University
  • Utrecht University
  • Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • Wageningen University & Research
  • Radboud University Nijmegen
  • University of Groningen
  • Maastricht University
  • Tilburg University
  • Fontys Universities Of Applied Science
  • Tio Universities Of Applied Science
  • University Of Twente


The Netherlands provides numerous scholarships and funding opportunities for international students to support their studies. These include partial scholarships, which generally cover a portion of tuition fees or living costs, and full scholarships, which may cover all tuition fees and provide a stipend for living expenses. These opportunities are offered through universities, government programs such as the Holland Scholarship or Netherlands Fellowship Programs, and external organizations, each with distinct eligibility criteria and application procedures. Notable scholarships include:

  • Orange Tulip Scholarship
  • Erasmus+ Programme:
  • Holland Scholarship:
  • University-specific Scholarships

Job Placements Post degree:

  • Career Services: Dutch universities have dedicated career services departments that assist students in finding internships, part-time jobs, and full-time employment opportunities. They provide guidance on writing CVs, interview preparation, and networking.
  • High Employability: Graduates from Dutch universities have high employability rates due to the quality of education, practical skills acquired during studies, and the international orientation of many programs. Employers value the multicultural experiences and language skills (particularly English) of graduates.
  • Internship Opportunities: Many programs include mandatory or optional internships as part of the curriculum, providing students with practical work experience and opportunities to network within their industry.
  • Work Permit: After completing their studies students can stay in the Netherlands for up to one year to search for employment or start a business.
  • Networking and Alumni Support: Universities maintain strong alumni networks that offer mentoring, networking events, and career advice to recent graduates. These connections can be valuable for securing job opportunities both within the Netherlands and internationally.

Overall, studying in the Netherlands not only offers excellent academic opportunities but also prepares students for successful careers through practical experience, strong industry connections, and supportive career services.

Here are some companies and industries in the Netherlands known for hiring international graduates and offering opportunities across various fields:

  • ASML
  • Philips
  • Shell
  • Heineken
  • ING Group
  • ABN AMRO Bank
  • Rabobank
  • McKinsey & Company
  • Bain & Company
  • Accenture Netherlands
  • PwC Netherlands